Sunday 26 November 2017

Simple "Code-Deployment Pipeline Framework" Library


CDPF is a library which helps developers build a simple command line utility that helps to push their code changes to production/test environments in a systematic / automated/ simplistic / less error prone manner.

Eg - Lets say a developer has introduced a new feature in his company’s website. He wants to push his code - which is in his laptop to the server where the website is hosted.

This utility can help him setup a deployment system which can help him deploy his code in a systematic way.

System Architecture

How it works?

  • Developer should be able to write his own job definitions for deployment and this job definitions should be readable/understood by CDPF library.

  • We will define an interface which developer can use to define their job definition.

  • We will expose a public deployment_manager class, developer can instantiate this class and make the deployment. Developer has to pass the list jobs to deployment_manager and trigger the deployment.
  • Deployment_manager will take care of the rest.
